Hi, I’m Nicola Warner, I am a Bach Flower Practitioner and an artist. I live in rural Suffolk, UK, with my husband Mike who is a Fisheries Consultant, and I am a Mother and Grandmother. I spend much of my time outside and have a love of herbs, plants, trees and (very relaxed) gardening. I am an animal lover and a local beekeeper keeps hives in our garden.
I have used Dr Bach flower remedies for as long as I can remember, probably since the 1980s when I was first introduced to Rescue Remedy, and then later discovered there were a whole range of 38 Flower Remedies, each created to treat a different emotion. With more time available to me I decided to take my love of the remedies and my desire to learn, to the next stage and spent three years training to become a Bach Flower Practitioner. Being registered with The Bach Centre enables me to meet people with confidence and to work with them to choose the flowers needed at the time. Having previously studied psychometric profiling, the study of personalities, I now focus on the ‘how, why, what, where and when’ of emotions.
I have had a lifetime of varied experience and have had a ‘portfolio’ career.
I was Managing Director and co-owner of a national care agency for 20+ years and have experience in many aspects of business and the care world, although my focus was predominately on the HR/people side of the business along with the PR & marketing. I am trained coach, focusing mainly on small businesses & start ups, helping with brainstorming, marketing and website guidance. I have always been creative and enjoy using many mediums in my art, and my digital skills allow me to produce cards, prints and wall art, some work is available to view on my art website;
Mindful: Mindful is not a modern word, but instead one which has made a resurgence in the last few years. Its true definition is ‘taking thought or care’. I chose this word carefully for my branding to represent the thought and care needed to choose the right Bach remedies; for creating a Vision Board which works for you; and for working through your Core Values to understand yourself better.
Nicola Warner
Bach Flower Practitioner
Suffolk, UK