About Dr Bach Flower Remedies

Dr. Edward Bach & the History of Flower Remedies
Dr Edward Bach was a British Doctor working in the fields of bacteriology and vaccines and later went on to discover the now famous Flower Remedies in England in the 1930′s. Early on in his career, Dr. Bach felt there was something missing in the conventional medical field, in that Doctors treated a body for a disease while the patients state of mind was being ignored and they may have remained in a state of distress even after their physical illness had been cured.
During World War I whilst working in a war hospital with soldiers, that he observed the effects that stress and trauma had on the recovery potential of his patients, noticing that the soldiers who had a more hopeful outlook seemed to recover more fully, which confirmed his belief that emotions affect physical health.
Dr Bach believed that if he could heal the patient of his negative emotional state, the body would no longer be inhibited by emotional blockage and the body would then be free to heal itself and shared homeopathy’s view that the body has an innate, self-healing mechanism. He gave up his successful practice in Harley Street and moved to the English countryside, where he discovered the healing power contained in herbs, plants and trees.
Dr. Bach spent years developing and testing his flower remedies on patients - with his new healing system, only the person’s outlook and emotional state were used as a guide to the remedy choice. The Dr Bach Flower Remedy system he left us with includes 38 essences and each essence addresses a specific issue in the emotional spectrum we all experience as human beings.
Since the 1930s his flower essences have had a devoted following; offering a safe and effective way to balance emotions bringing us back into alignment with ourselves.
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