Frequently asked questions

About me: Please visit my About Me page
Mindful: Mindful is not a modern word, but instead one which has made a resurgence in the last few years. Its true definition is ‘taking thought or care’. I chose this word carefully for my branding to represent the thought and care needed to choose the right Bach remedies; for creating a Vision Board which works for you; and for working through your Core Values to understand yourself better.
What happens during a Bach Flower Consultation? A face to face meeting to select the Dr Bach Remedies which most suit your state of mind at that time. The first meeting lasts for an hour and a quarter and everything you say remains totally confidential. We work together to choose the right remedies for you and are both mindful as to how your are feeling and which remedies may best help you. I can also speak with you via Zoom or FaceTime if you would prefer, please email me.
What are Bach Flower Remedies? Dr Edward Bach discovered Flower Remedies in England in the 1930s. Flower remedies are also often called flower essences (due to UK law). They are carefully made infusions from wild plants, bushes or trees which are taken according to our current state of mind, to work towards emotional balance. The Bach flower remedies help support through difficult times in our lives and to help us to develop our own individual positive strengths. The remedies are safe for all ages and have been used throughout the world with great success by conventional doctors and complementary health practitioners alike.
How do flower remedies work? Flower remedies are considered to be “vibrational”; they are very dilute, made from flowers, herbs and trees and work on our subtle, bio-energetic field by stimulating in us the positive feelings we need to overcome a negative emotional state.
How to use your Personal Mix: Following your Bach Flower Session you will take away with you a bottle which is personal to you. The 30ml bottle will contain your chosen Dr Bach remedies, spring water and a preservative of your choice, either brandy or apple cider vinegar, or no preservative if you prefer. This 30ml bottle should be taken at the rate of 4 drops 4 times a day either under or on your tongue. At this rate your 30ml bottle will last 21 days. You may take more remedy if you feel the need during the day, this will not harm you, but please do not take less.
Mindful Sessions: all our lives are made up of so many layers, sometimes you just have to stop and peel a few of them back to find what we are looking for. I run Mindful Sessions in Vision Board Creation and Know your Core Values as well a Business Consultancy for new businesses and start ups. If you would like one of these sessions in person in Suffolk or via Zoom or FaceTime please email me to book.
Any more questions please just ask
Nicola Warner
Bach Flower Practitioner