Mindfully considering your RH Negative Blood in pregnancy

I learnt about RH Negative blood complications during pregnancy in the 1990s. At that time there was limited internet access to research the subject and I found that the medical information I was given was offered as the only option and my concerns largely centre around the Anti-D/RhoGAM shot. The advice I can offer any mother who may have found out that she has RH Neg blood, of any type, is to do their own research and to read everything they can about the topic to form their own list of questions to ensure the choices they make are ones they are well informed about. I write this with no medical qualifications and it is intended to kick-start your own research.

Some points to start with:

  • A pregnancy is only of concern to the RH Negative Mother if the baby she is carrying has a Positive blood group.

  • There is no problem with a RH Neg mother carrying a RH Negative baby

  • if you are RH Neg and your partner is also RH Neg your baby will also be RH Neg and there is no need for you to have Anti D/RhoGAM

  • if you are RH Neg and your partner has a Positive blood group, there is a chance your baby will be Positive also, in which case you may be offered Anti D/RhoGAM.

  • A really good, straight forward NHS explanation can be read HERE including information to have your baby’s blood type tested in a non-invasive way.

  • Some hospitals give Anti D/RhoGAM automatically at 28 weeks and at birth to RH Neg mothers when it may not be needed.

  • I have never understood why having RH Negative blood is classed as a ‘disease’ but the NHS writes about it HERE

  • Dr Sara Wickham has an excellent article HERE

  • There are several good Facebook Groups covering the subject of Anti D/RhoGAM, some with quite a few American and UK members, full of active, constructive questions and discussions. A particularly interesting one can be found HERE

  • Since 2001 the ingredients of RhoGAM have changed/improved. Read more HERE

  • make your decisions Mindfully ….